The GenBI revolution is here, will your company be left behind?

September 26, 2024
September 26, 2024
Pyramid's GenBI

Most people don’t think in pie charts, graphs, or scatter plot diagrams. They think in words. Their own words. That’s probably why experts estimate that only about 20% of the workforce uses data to make business decisions.

But, what would happen if generative AI solutions like ChatGPT could do that for them? Imagine ChatGPT could tap into your databases to provide lightning speed answers to data queries without requiring users to “speak” analytics. All you’d have to do is ask a question in your own words and the AI would provide you with all the data and insights you need.

Can you imagine the impact this could have on analytics adoption rates within your organization? There’s no need to imagine. Pyramid Analytics’ Generative BI (GenBI)—a fusion between generative AI and analytics—does just that.

What analytics is like with GenBI

Using GenBI is like turning on the lights in your dark data archives. Anyone on your team can now rummage through them to find the information they need for data-driven decisions.

GenBI completely revolutionizes the way people interact with data. It makes it as simple as talking to a friendly colleague. The best part? It’s a colleague who has all the time in the world to go through as many iterations as needed and takes just 30 seconds to respond to even the most complex queries.

This is what the future of analytics looks like.

What GenBI can mean for your business

Imagine how much more impactful each decision can be when it’s based on actionable data insights instead of hunches and guesswork.

That’s what will happen if you make it easy for everyone on the team to communicate with data, create informed, realistic forecasts, and share their insights with colleagues and clients.

Now, go from imagine to WOW because this scenario is already a reality for organizations using Pyramid’s innovative platform.


GenBI changes everything

Reaping the benefits of data is all about making sure as many people in your company as possible are using it. But this can be tricky because, again, not everyone “speaks” analytics.

GenBI removes the barriers that prevent team members from efficiently utilizing BI so that your data becomes an open book, not an encrypted message.

Talk to your data

Most people are intimidated by charts, large figures and technical terms. That’s why it’s hard for them to make heads or tails of elaborate data.

GenBI implements conversational analytics to turn data into a friend to everyone on the team, no matter how savvy (or not) they are.

There’s no need for professional lingo or training, anyone can simply talk to the data and GenBI will make it talk back.

Insights in minutes, not weeks

Would you use a search engine that takes up to two weeks to deliver results? Probably not. But, when you rely on a human analyst to create the reports you need, that’s about how long it takes.

Is it any wonder then that teams often choose to push forward even without data? By the time they get it, it’ll probably be outdated anyway, or, they simply won’t have enough time to implement effective strategy changes.

GenBI offers a truly self-serviced experience to deliver insights on demand in seconds, allowing for as many iterations as needed in a single session. This way, changes can be implemented quickly and analyzed in real time.

Near-instant reports

When microwaves first appeared, it seemed almost magic that they could do in minutes what would take a conventional oven over an hour.

Well, what would you say if instead of spending half a day creating a report for a weekly progress meeting, any team member could get it on the spot?

With GenBI, all you have to do is ask and you’ll get comprehensive reports on sales, performance, or whatever metric you’re tracking, complete with graphs, visualizations, insights, and predictions.

Abracadabra, right?

Step into the future, it’s already here

Is your company ready for what’s next in business analytics? Let’s hop on a call and find out!


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