How SAP + Decision Intelligence Can Prepare Your Organization for What’s Next

October 6, 2022
October 06, 2022

Running comprehensive analytics directly on SAP BW and SAP HANA—across all your environments—is challenging. According to SAPinsider, 68 percent of legacy BI tools don’t support all types of analytics. Another 73 percent state that seamless connectivity between business applications is a top requirement.

Yet, for organizations with significant investments in SAP, the existing analytics and BI tool stack they currently use is insufficient for today’s business needs. Without a course correction, organizations’ ability to keep up with growing demands for data integration capabilities will diminish.

Many BI and analytics tools struggle to handle the volumes and complexities of today’s data-rich environment. In fact, despite the overwhelming need to reduce data transfer costs on ballooning data volumes, organizations are stuck with analytics and BI tools that require them to move data out of SAP. This defeats the whole purpose of having rich data contained in SAP BW and SAP HANA, which causes organizations to lose all the inherent business logic and security capabilities when they do.

To take full advantage of the investments in SAP—as well as accommodate growing data needs that exist outside of the core SAP ERP and related cloud data stores (Snowflake, Redshift, etc.)—organizations need to be able to:

  • Speed up insights
    • Provide multi-source direct access to any SAP data at scale in a single view
  • Scale adoption to any person
    • Deploy AI-driven, governed self-service experiences for any person
  • Simplify analytics
    • Provision any analytics need with frictionless integration and a virtual semantic layer

What if the future of analytics was already here, and the core operational needs of any organization on SAP could be met with a single analytics platform?

In our latest guide, SAP + Decision Intelligence, we examine the current technology landscape for organizations on SAP and identify what key technologies organizations will need to look for to be successful in the years ahead.

And below, we identify how you can better understand this environment and prepare your business with a strong SAP data backbone.

Check out the infographic here:


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