Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport saves millions with Pyramid Analytics

January 27, 2016
December 07, 2022

“The breadth of the types of businesses that we’re in is so broad that this kind of data is imperative to have that visibility and that clarity in the data that’s driving your businesses…We were able to get the data, understand it, and consequently save millions of dollars a year.”

—Douglas Wolfe, Broward County Aviation CFO

Watch this three-minute video to learn how Broward County, Florida’s Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport (FLL) eliminated time preparing reports and saved millions of dollars annually from new insights.

In today’s data-driven enterprises, once organizations get their hands on the huge volumes of data in their possession, they often struggle to handle it. Making sense of it all can feel overwhelming.

In today’s data-driven enterprises, getting a handle on huge volumes of data and making sense of it can feel overwhelming.

Yet successfully bringing the data together and interpreting it can help you uncover huge insights that can improve operations and services, save money, increase revenue, and much more.

Let’s look at a real-world example involving the fascinating, complex set of activities of an airport.

Making sense of data at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport

Broward County’s Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport ranks as one of the busiest airports in the U.S., with 67,000 passengers on an average day.

They needed a business intelligence (BI) solution to organize data from all its operations, enabling stakeholders to gather insights efficiently and make more informed contextualized business decisions.

This video highlights their success in achieving these goals.

“Now we can see what happened as soon as yesterday.”

—Elaine Charboneau, Broward County Aviation

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