We’re able to use Pyramid to display data in a way that our clients require, but that they struggle to do with other platforms. It’s been a competitive advantage for us.
Speed Up the Journey from Data-to-Decision

Meaningful Analysis with Integrated Data Prep
Build Interactive Analysis in Minutes

Faster Decisions with AI and Machine Learning
Get Super-fast Performance with PYRANA

Elevate Self-service with AI-guided Workflows
Deploy in Cloud, On-premises, or Hybrid Environments

Intelligent decisions start here.
Get A DemoTrusted by Leading Decision-Makers

“Data integrity and consistency is significantly better with Pyramid, and the speed of delivery of insights is much faster.”
Global BI Manager,

“Visibility is the number one benefit. Pyramid’s Decision Intelligence platform lets salespeople see up-to-date information in half an hour to an hour every day.”
Luke Dyer
Business Intelligence Developer, Videndum Production Solutions

“With Pyramid, the time it takes to get updated day-of-data into reports has decreased by 50-75%, allowing our clients to get their reports, and act on that data, much, much faster.”
Tamryn Le Riche
Head of Pyramid Commercial South Africa, DataOrbis
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