451 S&P Global Business Impact Brief: Decision Intelligence – A New Enabler for Data-Driven Decisions

Decision Intelligence and Data-Driven Decisions

New Analysis from 451 Research Examines the Emerging Discipline of Decision Intelligence

451 Research, the enterprise technology research unit of S&P Global Market Intelligence, recently released its Business Impact Brief about decision intelligence and its impact on future business strategy. Their research suggests that organizations can achieve increased levels of data-driven decision-making by leveraging a decision intelligence platform: “The emerging discipline of decision intelligence could help drive adoption levels higher by placing data-driven decision-making within reach of more personnel within an organization, so decisions can be made by individuals beyond those who are proficient or skilled in interpreting information and crunching it for insights.”


  • 68% of those surveyed in the Voice of the Enterprise: Data & Analytics, Data Platforms 2021 survey use data to drive nearly all or most of their strategic decisions
  • Data-driven decision-making is still not widespread. Almost one-third (32%) of companies have yet to fully embrace a data-driven approach to making strategic, informed decisions, according to 451 Research’s data.
  • “Leveraging data enables organizations to make more confident decisions by using hard facts to support intuition and hunches.”

How Pyramid improves the Data-Driven Decision-Making Process

Our new business intelligence solutions provide the exact advantages mentioned in the 451 research! Pyramid Analytics’ vision is to automate the decision-making process to empower anyone to make faster, more intelligent decisions with any data, for any person and any analytics need. Decision Intelligence is what’s next in analytics, and it’s at the core of our software platform.

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