Andre Boisvert

June 24, 2022
June 24, 2022

Andre Boisvert has been in the BI & Analytics business since 1989 – Cognos (BI- Business Intelligence),  Oracle (DW- Data Warehouse), SAS (Predictive Analytics), Sagent (ETL- data Extraction Transformation & Load), Pentaho (open source BI/ETL/OLAP- OnLineAnalytical Processing), Revolution Analytics (the Red Hat of a statistical language called R) and Infobright (Columnar Data Base for BI.

Andre Joined the board of Pyramid Analytics in January 2017 and serves both as a director & strategic advisor.

“I am fortunate to have been associated with many innovative BI & Analytics companies throughout my career but Pyramid Analytics has turned out to be the company with the greatest product depth and breadth.”

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