Data to Decision: Data Governance for Public Housing Associations 

November 22, 2022

What’s Next in Analytics

Watch this fireside chat with Nicola Askham, The Data Governance Coach, and Alastair Roriston, head of UKI Public Sector at Pyramid Analytics, as they discuss how public housing associations help those in need through the use of analytics with data governance.

A Look at Governance in Public Housing Data

Regulatory concerns are growing in the public housing sector, and the need to pull together large numbers of disparate data sources to comply with reporting mandates is as prevalent as ever; there is a strong desire among housing association staff to try and help their tenants through more effective use of their data and analytics. For example, how can they help them not slip below the poverty line (further?) due to the current cost of living crisis and spike in inflation by identifying additional sources of funding that individuals could access? How would better data governance contribute to this, and how can technology enable this?

This session discusses how public housing associations can use analytics and data governance to help those most in need.

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