Valuable Insights Using Forecasting

January 28, 2020

While analytics and BI platforms (ABI) help people understand what happened in the past—and perhaps why it happened that way—most want to understand what’s going to happen next, with reasonable accuracy. Forecasting provides a valuable contextual clue to guide the decision-making process.

Pyramid’s latest release offers outstanding point-and-click forecasting capabilities. Out of the box, Pyramid includes Best Fit, Holt-Winters, ARIMA, Autoregressive, Random Walk, and Exponential Smoothing, among other forecasting algorithms. In addition, the platform supports full parameterization and multiple forecast periods, as well as the ability to apply forecasts to historical data to test accuracy and fit. In addition, custom forecasting algorithms can be created using R or Python.

Join us for our Valuable Insights Using Forecasting webinar with Principal Technologist Ian Macdonald. In this 50-minute webinar, Ian will walk through a demonstration of these exciting new features.

Presented by:

Ian Macdonald Principal Technologist

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